足球买球app是一所天主教大学, 独立的, 方济各会传统的文科高等教育机构. 受亚西西的弗朗西斯和克莱尔精神的鼓舞, 我们尊重每一个人 作为一个有尊严、有价值、有价值的姐妹或兄弟. 我们为 正义和平与创造的完整性. We prepare men and women for leadership and for the transformation of the world by educating them to seek knowledge that leads to wisdom. 我们欢迎并邀请大家 分享我们的精神和生活.
The aforementioned university mission statement states that QU will strive to promote an environment that welcomes and invites “all 分享我们的精神和生活.” This mission reflects an inclusive spirit that undoubtedly attracts students from around the world who wish to thrive in an environment that respects, 甚至看重他们截然不同的观点, 海关, 语言, 以及生活的方向. 这条语句, 其核心是, aptly captures the inclusive manner in which the concept of diversity is understood by the 足球买球app community. 多样性, 因此, 不受人口普查分类或地区名称的限制, but instead is reflective of the many identities that make up one’s total self—that which makes us fully human. Thus, 而这里讨论的与多样性相关的举措可能, 有时, 包括对特定群体或群体集合的关注, 多元化行动计划 is intended to represent an initial step toward moving the university forward with an intention and direction regarding diversity-related action.
下面是节选, intended to clarify the impetus for the development of a diversity action council at 足球买球app, was adopted from the original “多元化行动委员会 Proposal” approved by the QU Executive 领导 team:
Within the vision statement of 足球买球app it highlights that the university will strive to build and maintain a sense of community, while promoting the value of inclusion and diversity among all its constituencies. It goes on to state that 足球买球app will embrace its Franciscan values which include, 热情好客,尊重所有人,诚信创造.
As the university continues to increase its diversity across its student body population there is an identified need for a committee such as the 多元化行动委员会 (DAC). One of the main purposes of the 多元化行动委员会 will be to uphold the principles set forth by the university’s vision statement. Another purpose of the DAC will be committed to ensuring that 足球买球app provides an environment that prevents discrimination of any type, promotes a bias-free atmosphere and showcases the importance of diversity and inclusion to students, 教职员工和管理人员.
Based on the 2009 Self-Study Report submitted to the Higher Learning Commission, there have been three identified areas of improvement for 足球买球app, 这些包括:
- 这所大学没有达到招聘多元化教师的目标.
- The lack of racial and ethnic diversity in the area community has made it particularly challenging, particularly in times when budgetary constraints affect the funding of salaries.
- 这所大学增加了学生的多样性, but there are still few opportunities for students to experience discussions and positive exchanges with students from racial and ethnic backgrounds other than their own. The Mission calls for continued emphasis on recruitment and efforts by instructors to design units that foreground diverse perspectives if this goal is to be fully achieved.
该委员会, in conjunction with the Office of Multicultural and 领导 Programs and 校园部, 将提供持续的 多元文化资源 以及对学生、教职员工和管理人员的教育倡议. Minority members of the student body have identified a feeling of lack of support on the campus; to that the DAC has been identified as need in order in ensure that an environment is created where all feel safe and supported. The DAC will assist in showcasing the appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism and identifying areas of concern in regards to diversity as they appear both on the campus and in the surrounding community.
The DAC will be responsible for intercepting any bias related issues on campus and addressing this issue two-fold:
(1) those targeted by a bias-related incident will be provided with support as well as referred to the appropriate campus resources and
(2) the council will educate the greater campus and community about the issues at large, being sure not to isolate a specific person or incident which ensures and promotes a bias-free atmosphere for the entire QU campus and surrounding community.
作为这次审查的结果, the DAC may provide written recommendations to the university’s executive leadership team or a representative member.
In the spirit of fostering an environment where all students have adequate opportunities to thrive, the DAC will also be charged with promoting collaborative partnerships with various entities (i.e.(大学院系、办公室和学生团体). The DAC will also promote collaboration with relevant community leaders and community-based initiatives that support the committee’s goals.
现任理事会由校园部的代表组成, 学术事务, 体育与学生发展.
可以使用以下表格提交与多样性相关的投诉. 发展援助委员会将设法及时审查申诉.e.,至少在每次发援会会议期间举行)。. Grievances will be reviewed in order of receipt and reporters reserve the option to remain anonymous should they choose.